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Community Band

Last update:
June 30, 2024

Phillip Sterling, Founder/Conductor

Colleen Dailey, Conductor

Jake Nicolini, Conductor

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 12.15.04 PM.png

We're Rehearsing and Performing!

Weekly rehearsals are held at Grace Episcopal Church in Baldwinsville from 7PM to 8:30PM.  New players are welcome anytime; if you would like to consider joining our band, please email Phill at and let him know your instrument(s) and part preference.  Players need to bring their own music stand.


Concert Videos

Concert Videos

Concert Videos

Concert Videos
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Community Band at the First Presbyterian Church - 08/16/2023

Community Band at the First Presbyterian Church - 08/16/2023

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Community Band at Canton Woods - 09/13/2023

Community Band at Canton Woods - 09/13/2023

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Community Band at Grace Episcopal - 07/26/2023

Community Band at Grace Episcopal - 07/26/2023

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